How to save money??

The first few months after getting job are sweet. It’s a new world which looks very close and everything seems handy. We start to actually live without limits, exploring new places, partying, shopping. It’s all fun because of the new location and wallet feels very heavy. So everything seems happy. After a few months, you realize the heavy wallet starts to feel infact lighter. The first week of the month feels rich and the next three weeks are led in the hope of the next first week.Read More »

Curd Benefits


The Curd Rice is the only Indian food which can release a Chemical called Tryptophan in Brain. Indians alone take Curd as Curd. But western world takes it as Yogurt, which includes Sugar too. Sugar doesnt calm your Brain, but increases Glucose level and will put you more restless. Sugar is danger for the Balance of Neural activity. It triggers hyperactivity.

But Curd rice is the only food which releases Tryptophan which calms down the brain and brings a cool thinking. The neurons get recharged due to mild rest. In Sanskrit there’s word for this Chemical,Thrupthophan, Thrupthi which means Satisfaction.

Curd rice is the best brain food which activates the Brain in a balanced manner for a Tropical climate.

Moreover, curd from raw/grass fed animals is the top probiotic food which keeps a healthy digestive system. The gut stays healthy due to maintaining healthy bacteria in the system. This healthy bacteria from the curd helps in supporting the ability to absorb nutrients and fight bacteria.